Monday, January 14, 2008

Santa Arrives in Bingerville!!

You can see the excitement on their faces! And on those of our Cote d'Ivoire contacts, the Director of the school, Madam Philomene Kone-Houenou, School Social Worker Max David Koni and Yves Piot, President of F.A.W.A.N..

It all started when students and other young philanthropists from the Hudson and Essex County areas chose names from a bag, so that each Bingerville student had a personal Secret Santa. Our students donated new and used gifts to the students in Cote d'Ivoire, in hopes of giving them a special holiday. From the looks of it, the accomplished the goal.

According to all reports, the students were very happy, and the administration emailed a statement of gratitude, epecially to the students "who took the time to think of our student's happiness!" The students are writing their "Thank You!" letters as we speak, which should arrive here in the weeks to come.

The students at Bingerville are busy writing thank you notes that will be delievered to the students at my school who orchestrated the Secret Santa project as part of a French language class assignment.

Special thanks go to the friendly helpers of FedEx employees at the Newark Airport office. Like Santa's Elves themselves, they completely repackaged our bulging suitcases full of toys. Thanks to their diligent efforts, and the International departments' continuous efforts to appraise me of the progress of our packages, the Bingerville School received their gifts during a holiday festival on Thursday, December 20th.

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